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Sunday, 21 September 2014
The joy of feeling poetic about all that surrounds us... be it the weather, the atmosphere, sounds of nature, voices in the distance... or simply silence in a semi-rural urban setting. But most times it is that feeling that poetry says it all for us... we love the word freedom, don't we?
Oh for the love of freedom
Of that I write
A fullness of being
Like the blossoming of a flower
As the sun rises in the East
That liberty is sung
In emblamatic trills
By the Bird Of Paradise
Arise ye sons of this land
Oh for the want of freedom
Have many perished
Yet we sit inhibited
While our freedom is trampled
By greed and ignorance
Our forests are taken
As nature cries out
And the land screams
Your freedom! Your freedom!
Take not for granted
Oh for the sake of freedom
Must we stand united
To experience an expansion
In the infinity of our being
From mountain to sea
We are yet to find
The meaning of freedom
The price that was paid
Our past waits for justice
While our present anticipates
Copyright 2014 by Mlee Tee Kendi
Monday, 15 September 2014
We conduct creative writing workshops through the social
media as a way of encouraging our literature students to discover what the
world outside may think of their work. A lot of our students are new to the
world of arts and letters, many never having the chance of reading literature
in high school. But they come to us with a great sense of enthusiasm and this
is the thing that encourages us in turn to regard their work with care. In the
long run we realize we must do something in favor of their talents not only for
their own benefit but also as a way of giving them the opportunity of
developing what we have now come to recognize as Papua New Guinea Literature.
Your comments on each student’s work would be highly valued.
The following is an example of the sort of feedback
we would like to see.
A Review of ‘Wonderland’ (poet un-named). Wonderland
is a poem posted by Russell B. Soaba on Facebook as a means for soliciting comment
toward the works of his creative writing students at the University of Papua
New Guinea (UPNG).
While the request by Russell Soaba on
Facebook is for comments, it is my choice to do so in the form of a brief
review as I wish to give the exercise full justice as opposed to cursory
‘Wonderland’ (a title which I suggest be changed) is
a short poem to be celebrated for several reasons. This is the voice of a
University of Papua New Guinea first-year creative writing student – thank God
the institution offers the course at this level! It is evidence the university recognises
that creative talent and voice is present in its students prior to arrival at
university. It is also evidence the university is committed to cultivating such
voices into what may be a collectively confident and vibrant voice
representative of the nation of Papua New Guinea and indeed, the Pacific.
Nowhere is such an activity more important than in this nation given its diversity
of tongues and its pressing contemporary problems – such complexity needs voice
and writing is its most powerful medium. Creative writing is its most
appropriate and necessary medium for if this is not recognised and nurtured,
Papua New Guinea’s stories will be told by outsiders. Yet, here it is, one
young voice taking form under the tutelage of a master. This is reason enough
for celebration.
This voice is young, raw, containing grammatical
errors (as has been pointed out by other commentators on Facebook), obviously
an attempt, and lacking in confidence: but far from being its weakness, these
are the reasons for its beauty. The poet is already a poet but has not arrived
at this knowledge. This student already possesses what creative writing
instructors struggle to teach or build into students: an eye for the world, a
compassionate eye. Not every writer possesses this.
While the rudiments of grammar need improvement and
its leaning toward clichés ought to be reduced if not eliminated, the poem
already has a pit: that core at the heart of self-expression; that solid, hard
pit at the heart of a ripe fruit; that stone pit that harnesses flesh and holds
the entire DNA of a botanical species. In a poem, the pit carries its soul. In
‘Wonderland’ the poet articulates the pit, the soul of the poem; then hurriedly
dresses it with frills, unnecessary words and lines – a feature of his or her
insufficient confidence.
Allow me to explain. ‘Wonderland’ is a poem of only
about eight lines or less. In its current form it comprises twenty-one lines,
which in my assessment, has thirteen lines that are not needed. Following is
the full poem with twenty-one lines as it appeared on Facebook:
Sun emerges the eastern horizon
Fogs engulfs the entire Huli valley
All nearby woods all silent
Except Ega Alua with the help of other species
Sings the sweetest melodies in praises
Meanwhile mums too all ready awaken
Melodies of singing tumbunas would be heard in every
Mums do so, while preparing breakfast
The only favourite penalia hina (kaukau)
Days are always quiet and calm
Human yellings and laughter could be heard rarely
What are wonder
My wonderful land – Hela
Where my amplicle cord is buried
Where my flesh will decompose
Your memories would alway vivid
I wish to fly over to you, but
Situation does not allows
Would it be Ok?
Would it be possible?
I will only come after four years.
In my view, the poem does not begin until Line 13:
‘My wonderful land – Hela’; this is the powerful first line to draw one into
the poem. The preceding lines, while descriptive of the area and its daily
life, is unnecessary; a distraction from the pit of the poem. I would even
remove the word ‘wonderful’ as the soul of the language itself reveals to us
that Hela is wonderful, making the word redundant, an unnecessary appendage
that disturbs the flow of the poem.
Really, the poem begins at Line 13 and concludes at
its given end but I would suggest that Line 16: ‘Your memories would always[s]
[be] vivid’ be removed to avoid cliché. So the whole poem would read:
My Hela!
Where my umbilical cord is buried
Where my flesh will decompose
I wish to fly to you
But situation does not allow
Would it be okay
Would it be possible
I come after four years?
When it is reduced to these lines, even a foreigner
such as I can feel the agony of the poet. I can almost touch the heartbreak of
the poet’s inability to visit his or her home until a lapse of four years has
occurred – and it is a tragedy. The greatest thing about this poem is the poet
is seeking both an apology and permission from the sacred land itself, from the
world that he or she calls home. This is the soul, the pit of the poem.
The question one may ask is: What happens to the
other lines? My response is: They make another poem and it is important to not
include it as part of the one extracted above. So if the poet is creating a
portfolio of poems, these could be part of the section on Hela in the Huli
Valley of Papua New Guinea. The lines on sunrise, woods, bird and insect song,
early morning cooking fires, singing women and local delicacies are rich and if
corrected for grammar with the removal of clichés, would become a powerful poem
as well; and if placed next to the extract above, would make Hela tangible for
readers. These lines need further working to allow us as readers to feel,
smell, see, taste and hear the life of the Huli Valley, and Hela in particular.
My word to the young poet is: You are young but old
in spirit. You carry your homeland and your people well in your thoughts – do
not cloud it with too many words. Have the confidence to shed decorative words
and stick to the soul of each idea you carry. You are already a poet. Do not be
afraid of this. Embrace it. The world will know the Huli Valley and its many
beauties and tragedies through you if you stick with it and persevere. Take
criticism well but in the end, hold your own. Hold your own with confidence.
31 August 2014
Saturday, 17 May 2014
From the diary of an old villager to town:
An unsung hero not many people hear and know about. But he is one of those responsible for UPNG’s fight against the dual salary structure of the entire public service and many private firms operating in Papua New Guinea.
He’s known simply as Joe Mangi. He comes from a region of
the country, the mid Waghi Valley, where people carry Toyota land cruisers on
their shoulders over boggy and muddy patches of roads and place them on dry
soil for easy driving instead of the other way around…
In the 1980s and 1990s Joe Mangi, along with the other
members of the National Academic Staff Union, led the UPNG administration into
agreeing to certain terms and conditions currently dictated by the Salary
Monitoring Committee – that all should get equal pay for the same amount of
work, such as the expatriates and the nationals. He won his case as the then
President of NASA, but he would be displaced, obviously, for political reasons.
Today, public servants right across the board and across
the country enjoy some of the benefits of what Joe and his colleagues had
fought for – DMA, field and risk allowances, accommodation allowances, the
gagging 7.5% phenomenon, anything to get
closer to bridging the gap… The fight continues. The dual salary system still
exists. But those greedy scavengers within the public service itself know how
to manipulate the system to fatten themselves up as individuals while the rest
of the entire workforce suffers. And will continue to suffer so.
One fine day, we will all receive equal pay for the same
amount of work we do. But for the moment my expatriate colleague gets thrice
more than what I get even though we do the same amount of work. Come Christmas
holidays and he travels in style to Vienna, to Paris, to Dubai, to Tokyo, to
Toronto and Beijing or Cairo. UPNG pays all of that. And here I am, stuck in
this little hole as always, not knowing where the next dough will come from for
me to feed my family….
We need only thank people like Joe Mangi for taking that
initial step successfully in fighting for equal pay for the same amount of work
done. A long time ago, it was the women predominantly who suffered that
terrible economic fate. Today, we are all in the same boat, wherever we are, in
whatever country we find ourselves in...
...and here's the funny part
A lone traveller, a kind of globe trotter, and a very,
very rich one at that, comes to the Waigani Campus one day and in her capacity
as academic and researcher asks for board and lodging. She is granted a room
which she shares with a 4th year student in Literature. Next, she
asks if she can enroll for the basic law degree, a program that runs for 4 or 5
years. UPNG checks her credentials and decides to reject her application on the
grounds that she already has a PhD degree in another area. Her English is perfect, her Spanish pretty
much the same and her Japanese just as good. She appeals. UPNG still says no.
Her roommate says, “Let’s go see the old villager. May be he can help.” But
even the old villager’s advice to the influential hierarchy goes unheeded. So
everybody gives up. And that’s that. End of the story.
Then the literature student goes to the old villager
again and says, “Sir, I would like to publish a book. It’s a kind of
tri-lingual affair. Would you be able to help?”
“Gladly,” said the old villager, “if that is the last
straw in our so-called fruitless endeavors. Now I must wonder what UPNG was
thinking when it rejected your roommate’s application for a law degree.”
Today, the book is published. Its contents appear in
three languages: English, Tok Pisin and Spanish (Argentinian). It enjoys a good
number of hits around the world. But that is the way of internet publications.
As for our collaborator on the book: she is happily
married to a fine young man and is indeed happy in her home of origin, Japan. Ah
me, oh my… if only UPNG could have some kind of foresight, even hindsight… how
much that basic law degree would mean to the world, especially if it came from
UPNG, the premier university in the Pacific!
Sunday, 6 April 2014
I happened to be at Central Waigani, Friday 5th
April, 2014, and what I saw there fascinated as much as intrigued me.
Fascinated because the place looked new, there were
rumors it just opened up as part of that great family supermarket idea from
CPL. And intriguing because when I
finally got to looking at what was inside I was taken aback somewhat by the
vast selection of goodies at the groceries and, most important to me, the
assortment of wines at the supermarket’s “liqueur land”.
The new building I soon discovered would become
known as Waigani Central. Could that be an assumption on our part that we have
a new architectural rendering and topographical landscaping arrangement bound
to become known, simply, and should we say, the Graceland of Port Moresby city?
Oh, but one doubts if we could be wrong there.
Over the last six months or so that I have ventured
from my humble village surrounds to this part of the country’s sentiments of urbanity
known as Port Moresby city, I have seen many sites and heard stories attached
to each. There were stories of new buildings cropping up here and there; and
there were stories of who was doing what with such and such. I tried
interviewing as many as I could from the laymen up to those who claim ownership
of these so-called new buildings in town. But rarely have I heard one as
enchanting as the grand CPL (City Pharmacy Ltd) idea of the family supermarket.
“Ours is the ideal, sir,” a simple shop assistant would
quip, handing over a cup of coffee at Bon Café. “And if you’re looking for a
weekend family hide out,” a cleaner would join in, “Waigani Central might be
the place to consider, sir.”
Surely the whole country has changed much over the
years. And surely again each city is slowly taking up that urban idea of the
metropolis in so many different forms.
But for the moment I began liking this new family
supermarket idea coming from CPL. Gone are the days of BP’s, Steamships, Bank
of New South Wales and related coastal trading enterprises throughout the land
and its humble rural islands. Those were the days when the villager stood back
and marveled at new buildings that came up or simply stood in awe whenever
names such as Queen Emma of the South Seas were mentioned. But to us, all this,
what we see now, seems to be beckoning us, asking us for our participation, as
it were.
Here everyone is invited along, to view the range of
medicinal remedies displayed, the groceries and their variety of offerings, the
cinemas (space permitting, we assume), and the eateries at various sections of
the new Waigani Central set up. I may get the chance to visit other centres of
our country in due course. But for now CPL of Port Moresby seems to appeal as
much as intrigue me somewhat.
Every new company that sets up shop in town has its
principles and ideals to pursue. As ordinary as we are, and according to the
climate of varying opinions of the times that we live in, we might feel, let us
say, a little left out. But I doubt that would be the case with CPL. Somewhere
in the not so distant future someone within the management of this vast
business enterprise might say: “All right. Let’s have enough of this – this
profit-making palaver and other hang-ups. Let us rather go visit schools,
hospitals, sporting facilities, churches and charity homes, and share our ideals and business
sentiments with them.”
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